Thursday, February 21, 2013


We  traveled  to  Cottonwood,  AZ  on  2-19  from  Emerald  Cove.  For  several  days  before  we  left,  we  had  80  degree  weather.   You  could  find us  at  the  Hot  Tub  during  Happy  Hour  and  then  sunning  ourselves  on  the  pool  deck.   What  a  life.   This  is  what  traveling  in  the  winter  is  all  about.

So  much  for  that!   The  last 2  days  we  have  had  a  high  of  42  degrees  and  we  even  had  snow  yesterday.  BURRRRR!   Southern  CA.  is  having  a  storm  and  we  are  also  getting  it.  There  was  a  golf  tournament  cancelled  in  Phoenix  or  Tucson  because  of  snow.   We  lost  our  Direct  TV  signal  feed  last  night.   Denny  went  to  investigate  and  there  was  an  inch  of  snow  on  it. 
We  debated  about  skipping  Cottonwood  and going  straight  to  Palm  Springs  (our next stop) because  we  knew  it  would  be  colder,  but  decided  to  stick  it  out.   Not  sure  we  made  the  right  decision,  but  we  are  only  here  for  2 weeks.   I   am looking  forward  to  lots  of  new  geocaches  with  wine  tasting  along  the  way    This  area  is   a new,  up  and  coming  wine  destination.
We  were  on  a  geocaching  trip  up  to  Parker  Damn  and  saw  several  donkeys.   Wild  donkeys  hang  out  along  the  road.   We  made  another  trip  one  evening  to  go  to  dinner  and   saw  several  groups  of  ten  or  more.

After finding a geocache at this spot, I had to take a picture of the damn.
Another geocaching spot, but on the other side. We didn't find the cache, but it was a beautiful view
The pictures below were taken on the beach at Emerald Cove. I was in the same spot, turning in 3 different directions


Monday, February 11, 2013

Emerald Cove

Last  Tuesday,  Feb.  5th,  we  traveled  to  Emerald  Cove  RV  Park.   It  was  a  long  commute,  12  miles.   This  has  always  been  one  of  our  favorite  parks.   Big  River,  where  we  have  been  staying  for  6  weeks,  isn't  the  best  park,  but  certainly  the  friendliest  we  have  ever  been  in.   Before  we  stopped  there  last  year  to  spend  the  holiday's  with  Denny's  first  cousins,  we  had  always  stayed  here.   Big  River  is  the only  park  we  have  ever  been  in  that doesn't  have  a swimming  poll  and  hot  tub.   It  was  a  tough  decision  to  leave  all  our  friends,  but  the  hot  tub  was  calling.   We've  been  back  twice  to  visit  everybody.

 Emerald  Cove  has  2  pools,  2  hot  tubs,  a  Tiki  Bar  and  lots  of  activities.  We  really  missed  a  hot  tub,  so  we  have  been  going  there  everyday.  Love  it!   They  serve  breakfast  everyday  in  the  clubhouse  and  lunch  at  the  Tiki  Bar.   Also  have  dinners  on  Friday  and  Saturday  night.  Love that!  Anytime  I  don't  have  to  cook  is  a  good  day.   Last  Friday  we  had  Fish  and  Chips,  Saturday,  New  York  steak.   They  have  karaoke  on  Saturday  nights  at  the  Tiki  Bar.   Denny  wasn't  feeling  good  so  we  didn't  go.   We  aren't  too  far  and  we  could  hear  it  from  our  rig.  Sounds  like  everyone  was  having  a  great  time.
Since  we  have  Thousand  Trails,  we  can  stay  here  2  weeks in a reciprocal agreement.     We  are  thinking  of  buying  into  Colorado  River  Adventures  so  we  could  stay  longer.   We'll  see.
Denny  has  a  very  bad  cold.   Seems  everyone  over  at  Big  River  had  something  and  we  felt  lucky  we  didn't.   Two  days  before  we  left  he  started  sneezing.   Now  it  is  a  full  cold.   He  is  pretty  miserable.    Hopefully  I  won't  get  it  but  probably  will.
Emerald  Cove  has  the  longest  beach  on  the  Colorado  River -1  mile
They  sell  Kettle  Corn in the evenings  on Friday and Saturday 
Beautiful  sunset

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Denny and I are Married Again

On  our  trip  last  year,  Denny  lost  his  wedding  ring.  We  were  in  Hurricane,  Utah  for  a  few  weeks  to  see  Zion  National  Park  and  other  sights  around  there.   We  had  just  got  out  of  the truck,  on  the way  to  the  bank,  when   he  discovered  it  missing.   His  knuckles  are  large,  so  he  has  to  have  a  larger  size  ring  to  go  over  them.   Because  it  was  warmer  in  Utah,  his  knuckles  weren't  quite  so  big  and  the  ring  just  slipped  right  off  his  finger.  We  looked  all  over  the  parking  lot,  in  the  truck,   RV  and  the  space  we  were  in.   NO  LUCK!   We  thought   it  was  gone  for  good.
Last  week,  I  went  to  Quartzsite  with  a  friend.   When  I  got  back,  Denny  was  excited  and  wanted  to  show  me  something.   HE  FOUND  THE  RING.   It  was  in  an  outside   storage  compartment  of  the  RV.   He  had  been  looking  for  something else  and  lo  and  behold,   there  it  was.   Last  summer  he  had  the  storage  compartment  empty  to  reorganize  it.   Amazing  he  didn't  find  it  then.  
It's  been  a  year  and  a  half,  but  we  are  now  officially  married  again.  YAHOO!