Wednesday, January 20, 2021


January 20, 2021

I  know there are  alot of people that are a little scared of the vaccine or don't intend to get one, but we were certainly looking forward to it. AZ is a little ahead of the curve about getting the shots out to the public. They included people over 75 along with the first responders and essential people. 

Denny was able to get  his first shot January 12th. Our son, Darin, made the appointments for us from his home in Washington. So glad he offered to do it because it was quite the process.  We feel so lucky to have such a thoughtful son. We have friends here that it took several tries, even days, to get one. Denny got his the first day they offered them. It was a little disorganized, but think it will get better over time. It took 2.5 hours. We were in 3 lines. The first was just to get in the stadium gate. The next line was for checking in. The 3rd line was for the actual shot. Denny is considered high risk because he is allergic to bees and takes a blood thinner. Being a high risk means you have to wait 30 minutes after your shot instead of the regular 15 in case there are side effects. There is an ambulance and EMT's standing by. Luckily Denny had no side effects except for a sore arm at the injection site which is pretty common for any shot.

Next Tues, Feb 2nd, he will get the 2nd shot and I will get my first one. Darin was able to make both at the same time.  

Not sure why it takes so long when you have an appointment. They must make too many at one time or make the appointments too close together. 


 January 20, 2021

Since we aren't traveling around like we used to and are staying in one place for 3 months, I  really don't do alot to post on my blog. I hike and geocache and that's about it. Thought I would post a few pictures to show you what life around the park is like

When we first started traveling, I would take pictures of sunrises and sunsets all the time. If I saw a good one, I would run outside and snap a picture. We have been doing this for such a long time, I rarely do that anymore, but took a few lately.

When we started traveling, we had one of the bigger RV's around, hence, that's why we called it the Monster. Now it is petty commonplace, but, there are even some bigger. This is a toy hauler with a side deck. A toy hauler usually holds motorcycles, quads or even sometimes a small car.

This RV is across the road. Looked out one day and this guy is just hanging out on top. He was up and down there most of the day. Kind of weird, have never seen that before.  The strangest thing is that there is no ladder attached in the front or back. Didn't see a free standing one either.  We were trying to see how he got up and down. 

This truck is across the road from us. We saw him drive that quad up on the rails. It was a little scary, they bent as he went up.  He gunned the engine to get up, then had to slam on the brakes to stop before it went over the top.

As you can see by the map, this is a large park.  I circled our site so you can see where we are, in the 2nd row of orange. By the time we ride our bikes  all around it, we are pretty tired. We have a deluxe site, it isn't any bigger than the ones in yellow, but, I think it is deluxe because it is closer to the office, laundry, library and pool

In a previous post I showed you our site as our home away from home for 3 months. We added a tablecloth to the table and a propane fire pit.