Saturday, April 7, 2012


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Denny can't really walk any distance, so Irene took me on a hike. Irene is a friend I have met from Canada.  She is 67 and in very good shape. She does the exercise class every day and hikes alot. I actually drove our  truck because it is a 4 wheel drive. She has a little PT Cruiser and to get there you need a 4 X 4. This is the first time I have driven except to go to the laundry in the park. It was about an hour drive from here. The last several miles was a really rough, washboard road. Quite the drive for my first time. There are ladders that you have to climb up and down on to get to different areas. It was quite the advanced hike, but I did fine. A little tired the next day, but not really sore.

                                 The stick to my left is my walking stick. I threw it up so I could use my hands

Whew! Finally got to the top of the ledge.

What a good looking hiker that is!

There she is again. We were almost to the top

Irene, my hiking and geocaching buddy

OOPS! I started walking down but it was easier to slide on my  butt.  Irene, who is older, WALKED. She is in better shape than I am. This is where we started down the mountain

In this area there were many many little piles of rocks. Indians started doing this thousands of years ago to show the way. We found these rock formations  all over the southwest.  We also made our own pile. It is fun tradition

To get here,  you had to slide down about 6-7',   and  then hold on to a rope (because it is so steep) for about 10'  to actually get to the ladder.

Not sure how  many miles the hike was, but it took 2 1/2   hours to get to the top of the trail and then 1 1/2 hours to get down. Good Day. It was hot, but we had a little breeze  and there was alot of shade inside the canyon walls.

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