Sunday, April 19, 2015


April 19th, 2015

I had an exciting milestone happen to me. As many of you know,   I have gotten into geocaching the last few years. I  like it because it gets us out to area's we might never have gone.  Denny isn't quite  into as much as much as I am,   but he is very good at finding them.  I  think the last few months he  has been enjoying it a lot more.  We go more  when we are traveling than at home. 

These are just a few cache containers that we have found.  These are so much more creative than some we have found, little nano's.  They are so small, the size of my thumbnail. 

This cache is my very first FTF (first to find).  This cache was put out the day before and I was able to be the first one there.  I have a total of 3 FTF's.  It is quite a feather in your cap to be the first one there.  Lots of people have email alerts for it and  drop what they are doing just  to go find them when they are published.  I was going thru some and just happened to see it. 

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