Friday, May 1, 2015


May 1st, 2015

In my last blog, I mentioned that we were traveling home to fly out of  SeaTac for my Aunt's funeral. Well, that didn't happen.  The funeral was so soon that  we couldn't  do that. Change of plans, I flew out of LAX to St. Louis.  My brother and I  got to St. Louis within 15 minutes of each other so we were able to rent a car together and drive to Southern IL.   That was last Friday, April 24th. Flew back Tues, April 28th.  Funerals are always a very quick trip. So glad I was able to do it, I had promised myself and my parents that I would be at every funeral of all my aunts and uncles.  Ray and I were on the same flight home.  Denny stayed here because we can't leave the RV in the park without us here, a rule only in the Thousand Trails system.  He had to drive me and pick me up. It is 100 miles each way.  I had always heard that LAX is such a zoo of an airport and driving around L.A. is a mess. HOW TRUE! HOW TRUE!   Denny is not good at directions. I am always the navigator. He made it both ways, YEA Denny!  I was  really worried.  It took us 2 hours to get to LAX, but 3.5 hrs to get home. TRAFFIC!

I lost my phone at the airport.  YIKES!  I discovered it after I  went thru security. They looked all over the x ray machine, over, under and  everywhere.   I retraced my steps, even going out to the curb where Denny dropped me off. No luck.  How was I going to touch bases with Denny about picking me up?  Since I met my brother at St. Louis I was able to use his phone. Finally got   hold of  Denny. I felt really lost without my phone.  I had made arrangements for Denny to stay at the cell phone lot. I was able to take a shuttle there. I was worried that what happens,  if  for any reason,  he isn't there. He could have gotten in an accident or sick etc.   NO phone to use!  Didn't sleep much the night before, but all went well and we connected. 

When  I got home, I checked my email. SHOCK!  TSA found my phone. I was totally amazed. They found it at the security check point. How could that be?  Three people looked all over  but never found it. How could they have missed it?  I was just so happy, I never thought I'd see it again. Now making arrangements for it to be sent home.

We are leaving tomorrow for home. Doesn't seem possible after being 8 months on the road. It takes 3 nights and 4 days of driving, but we plan to visit some friends in Northern CA first.  We should be home May 8th or 9th.  

I will be doing one more blog to summarise all of our travels, how many miles, diesel etc.
 It has been a great trip seeing so much of the country we have  never been to and  visiting relatives and friends along the way.  

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about you aunt and then to lose you phone also. Glad they found it for you. Have a safe trip back to Washington. Your neighbors in the Hitchhiker in Wilderness. We are still at Palm Springs TT until Monday, it is hot here!
