Friday, May 4, 2018


May 4, 2018

We plan to be home May 8th.  Doesn't seem possible that this year's trip is coming to an end. Denny is looking forward to it, me, not so much. I could easily stay out longer, but guess we have to get back to the real world.

I really enjoy seeing different places in the United States and meeting new and old friends. It also amazes me how different the terrain is everywhere. From oceans and mountains to large trees to desert. I never get tired of it. 

Amazing to me the colors in the hills and desert due to  the different minerals. 

The local lore says the pattern on the hills is where the Indians got there idea for their Indian Blankets. What do you think?

We were driving in the middle of the desert and all of a sudden came across alot of green. Very unusual for this area, but there is underground water close by, enough to have a large date farm.

Just a mile before we came across all the green trees in the above picture, this is what we had been seeing. What a difference a little water makes

First time Denny had to drive through rain,  leaving Alamo, Nevada going to Wells, NV
Felt like we were home already 

This is our first glimpse of mountains since leaving Washington. I love spending the winter in the warmer climate of the desert, but it is always nice to see the mountains again. 

View from our campground in Wells, NV

Today I made our  reservation  at the last campground we will be in before we get home. Kind of a sad moment for me😢😢

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