Friday, February 5, 2021


 February 2, 2021  

Denny got his 2nd shot Tuesday, Feb 2nd. They have streamlined the shot process so much since we were there last. The first time  it took 2.5 hrs. This time, 40 minutes. The first time was the  first day of the mass vaccination site at the State Farm Stadium, so there was some disorganization.  What a difference 3 weeks make.  

Denny has had no side effects from either shot, besides the sore arm at the injection site. I had been a little worried because I had heard that the 2nd one can be worse as far as side effects. 

I had no side effects at all. My arm was sore about an hour and that was all. 

Hope all goes well with other people who get the shots. 

Because we wanted to get both shots here, we extended our stay here 1 month til April 1st to make sure that would happen. Now staying only 1 month in Palm Springs. We didn't want to get one shot here, then the other shot someplace else.  We got the Pfizer vaccine. 

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