Monday, May 10, 2010

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire--but it was for a good cause

My last couple of blogs have had the wrong timeline. We stopped at all those places but a lot sooner than I said.

I decided to surprise my Mom for Mothers Day. We actually got home last Wed., May 6th. It was hard to lie to my folks but it was worth it. After we got home, I almost called her on my home phone. That would have certainly ruined the surprise. I even called her Sunday morning to wish her a Happy Mothers Day. I said we were in Oregon. We drove up and it was a complete surprise. The only people that knew were my brother and sister in law. I called them because I wanted to be sure that they hadn't invited the folks over to Whidbey Island for the day. It was nice that a lot of my relatives were also there. The lying was worth it to see their faces.

On Sat., we went to a Mothers Day get together at Darin and Heather's home., It was great to see them. The kids have sure grown up in the 5 months since we left.

The weather is a bit cold for us. We are used to 75-85 degree temps. Putting on shoes again seems strange. I have been living in flip flops.

I'm busy now unpacking and cleaning up the RV for the next trip. We accumulated a lot more on the trip than I thought. My biggest goal is to start losing the weight I gained. Groan! I didn't gain as much weight as I thought but enough that the clothes are a little tight. I hate exercise. Denny only gained 3 pounds. What's up with that? We ate the same things.

One more thing I want to mention about our trip is that we are so lucky in the NW with our water. Water everywhere isn't as good as ours, especially Az and Texas. It really is very, very hard on your hair and clothes. We bought drinking water but still had to use it for showers and laundry.

This will be my last blog until we start traveling again this fall/winter. My everyday life isn't exciting enough to write about. I'll put out an email when we start traveling again.

So long, it has been fun.

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