Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Can't Believe Our Perfect Timing

November 24, 2010

We were watching the news at a campground in Dunnigan, Ca. and saw a story about the airplane that went off the runway at SeaTac.  It also showed all the snow. WOW!  Were we shocked. When we left Sat. morning, they only talked of snow in the mountains.  They were certainly wrong. I called several people to see about the conditions and how they fared.  We left  8:30 am Sat. morning.  It started snowing Sat. night. What luck. If we hadn't left then, we would still be there. We have had a lot of bad weather, but nothing like snow. 

We are at our first official destination at San Benito Thousand Trail Preserve at Paicines, Ca. It is about 2 hours south of  San Francisco, east of Salinas. We will be here 2 weeks. I think we will have to go further south for warm weather. The park is in the middle of nowhere. We got here yesterday afternoon. The closest grocery store is 18 miles away. There are a couple of towns in between, but with only populations of around 200, the stores are more like a 7-11.  Right now there is blue sky with not a cloud in sight. It is chilly ( around 45), but nothing like your 25 degrees.

We got very quickly  into the laid back mode. We are both drinking hot tea and relaxing.  Denny is reading his Kindle. Darin and Heather got us both Kindles for a combo birthday/Christmas present. When we are on the road, we can't get any local news. We now get the Seattle Times everyday. Thanks to Darin and Heather, we are both so high tech.  Last year, getting on the Internet was iffy at best. When parks had it, it was very unreliable and in  some places we had to go to a community center. What a hassle. No more. Darin researched it for me and I  now have a device that  makes the RV and surrounding area outside a WiFi hot spot.  Denny can be on the Kindle at the same time I'm on the computer.

Had several adventures on the way down that I will post later. I wanted to talk about our good timing first.

Hope everyone is getting along in the snow. Hopefully it won't last long. One of the reasons we left early is that it is suppose to be a very hard winter. We wanted to get when it was still good. Lucky for us that we did  (barely)

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