Thursday, November 25, 2010

Good brakes, A wonderful thing

When we left Sat. morning, there was crystal, blue sky.  By the time we got to Olympia it was raining.  It rained off and on all the way to our campground,  San Benito in California.  South of Kelso/Longview  it was dry with no rain. As we came around a curve on I-5,  there was a very small car going 30 MPH. We were going 55-60.  First time Denny had to really use the brakes to avoid an accident. That car was coming up very fast.  It was very scary.  I had my brakes on. I don't think it helped him, but made me feel better. It certainly got our hearts pumping!  Took awhile to get back to normal. Our truck and RV is about 22,000 lbs.  I don't think there would have been much left of that little car. Not sure why she was only going 30 on the freeway.

Isn't this the tinest trailer you have ever seen?   It looks like a hard sided 2 man tent.  You would have to crawl in. Thought it might be a pop up, but it isn't.  I like our's much better

Just before we got to Albany, Or., our first stop, we decided to get gas at a truck stop. Wrong decision!  We were there about 45 minutes.  Oregon is the only state where you can't pump your own gas. There were about 10 pumps with only one guy working them.  He had to jump from one to another. He pumps the gas and does the cash/ credit card. Took us forever to get to the pump.  Then had to wait for the guy to get to us. When he did,  he said  that we had to go inside to pay for diesel.  Denny was not a happy camper. Not sure why he can do gas but not diesel.  When Denny got back,  he again had to wait for the guy to get to us. What a mess. Of course, we went on the worst possible day, middle of the day on Sat.

We were certainly glad to get to our first stop, the Blue Ox Rv campground.  We paid and went to the space they said. Oh no!, 2 small, yippee dogs were next to us. The owners weren't around.  They started barking as soon as we pulled up. No way were we going to stay next to them. Parks can make you leave if you leave barking dogs alone.  Had to change spots.

It was quite an eventful first day.

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