Thursday, November 25, 2010

Change of Plans

November, 22, 2010

Our first views of the ocean on Hiway101.  As you can see, the weather was rainy and very cloudy

The biggest worry about traveling south in the winter is the Siskiyou Mountains between Oregon and California.  Last year we were lucky, sailed right thru.  Not so this year.  When we were in Albany Or., we had to make the decision to go forward or choose the super secret way to go to California without going thru the Siskiyou's.  Checked the cams at the summit. The internet is a wonderful thing. The summit was very, very bad. Snowing hard, with severe winter conditions. No place for hauling a 35'  5th wheel.  We picked the super secret way. At Grants Pass, we took a right turn onto 199 to 101 in California.   Hiway 101 is beautiful, but not the best way for a large 5th wheel.  Hiway 199 takes you thru the Siskiyou's, but at a much lower altitude.  All of 199 and 101 is very, very curvy with alot of ups and downs.  Most of the time it was raining.  It is hard on the truck and RV and very stressful for the driver.  Hard for Denny to take in the beauty when he concentrating so hard  on driving.  We first stopped at Klamath, Ca. for the night.    It had been raining for days and it rained the entire time we were there. Even tho it was a flat, open space, the  ground was so saturated with water that he had to use 4 wheel drive to get out.  After 1 1/2 days of stressful driving, Denny was able to get back onto I-5. Hopefully we won't have to go that way again.

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