Saturday, November 27, 2010

OOPS! Frozen Hoses

November 26, 2010

Since we got here on the 23rd,  there has been no rain, but very cold, especially at night. The night of the 24th was suppose to get down to 21 degrees.  We left the water running all night to prevent freezing.  Good thing we did. I turned it off in the morning, but before I needed to use the water, it started to freeze up.  Thursday night was also going to be very cold. We spaced out and totally forgot to leave the water on. Bad Decision. The hoses were frozen-no water. We didn't really need it so we just let it thaw naturally. It took until almost 10:00 am. 

Until today we have had clear blue skies.  Today made up for it. We had planned to do a little sightseeing, but scraped that idea. It poured. Maybe tomorrow.

Even tho we are in the middle of nowhere, it is a good base to see quite a bit.  We are about an hour away from Monterrey.  One day we plan to go on a car trip to Salinas, Monterrey, Carmel by the Sea and Big Sur. We saw all of this area in 1975, but that was certainly a long time ago.  There is also the Pinnacles National Monument. I have no idea what it is, but I have heard it is a must see place, so off we go.  There is a Christmas Lighting Parade tonight in the Historic Downtown area of Hollister. We thought of going, but Denny is fighting a cold and it is raining.  Would have been nice to see a small town parade.

This is how high tech we are now. Denny is reading the Seattle Times on his Kindle. This is our typical morning. Drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends.  Hopefully no one had too many hassles  dealing with all the snow.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you have seen some beautiful scenery so far and you were certainly lucky getting out before the snow. We had lots of snow from Sunday thru Thursday. Crazy! Enjoy!!
