Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Another Oops, Our first Flat tire

November 28,2010

Last Sunday I went outside and Oh No, we had a flat tire.  First one we have had with this truck.  Luckily we weren't driving, especially with the RV.  We had been out Saturday doing errands and somehow picked up a nail.  Denny didn't change it until Monday because he is so sick.  He had a hard time finding the hole because it was so deep in the groove.  Depending on how he feels, we might go into town to get it fixed.  Hopefully it is fixable so we don't have to buy a new tire.

The day before we got here, Denny felt a cold coming on. It was minor for the first couple of days but last Friday, it came on full bore.  Yesterday he woke up with no voice. We haven't really done any sightseeing because he feels so bad. It's no fun sightseeing when you don't feel good.  There is a lot to see around here. The good thing about traveling like we do is that there is always next year.  It is lucky that for the couple of days we had of hard rain and very curvy roads he was feeling good.  For that kind of driving you need to be on your toes.

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