Friday, December 10, 2010

In and Out

December 9, 2010

We went to Fullerton, Ca. to get a part for the truck that Denny wanted. We took I-5, but you still go thru downtown LA. Lots of traffic, but not as bad as last year when we went thru pulling our RV. Yikes!   Last year we were there  during morning traffic.  Denny bought a transmission oil pan that cools it better and holds more fluid.  Also bought a differential cover for the rear axle to help with cooling. This is truck speak for all the guys out there reading this.  It is very bad for the truck to have the fluids heat up too much.  I just sat in the truck and read a book.

I have always heard about  In and Out burgers. I had told Denny that if we ever saw one, we had to eat there.  There was one very close to the place we went for the parts.  In all the surveys I've seen, In and Out is always rated the best, with Five Guys 2nd.  There aren't any In and Out's in Washington, so I had to try one here.  I've had Five Guys and they are the best  ever. We just got  one in Washington at the Renton Landing.   Well, I have to tell you, Five Guys is still the best in my book. In and Out was good, but not better. 

On our way back, I found a super secret way to get thru LA without going downtown. It was a breeze. I wish I'd know about it on the way down, but not being from around here, I wasn't sure where we were going.

At our last campground, because of the way we parked, we had sunrises.  Now, the way we are parked, we see the sunsets. Beautiful.

We've never seen such a tiny stop sign.  Saw this on one of our daily walks

We've never seen such a tiny 5th wheel. We had a 25' and this is much smaller.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Myrna, don't know what all the fuss is about In and Out burgers. They're OK, but I've had better!
