Friday, December 24, 2010

Calm, Dry and 65 degrees-YEA!

December 24, 2010

Yesterday was the first nice day we have had in a long time.  It was wonderful to have a good nights sleep with no rain and wind. Felt so nice to be out and about without it raining.  Haven't really slept good for several days because, in an RV, you hear so much more of the rain and wind.  We took a walk in the morning and couldn't believe the difference in water levels.

Today it is suppose to be 66 degrees, but it is only 11:30 and it is already 65.  It is still below normal, but we think it is wonderful. The sun is shining and all is well in Southern Ca, at least here. The damages are the in the billions of dollars in other parts.  The worst day was Wednesday, the day after we got here. Some places had 3" per hour.  It is suppose to be nice for a few days, then a little rain, but nothing like before.

Wednesday  morning we couldn't even get to the Family Center on foot.   We wanted to sign up for the Christmas potluck.They had even closed the park. Good thing we came the day before. Not sure what we of done if we couldn't have gotten in.

This is a nice park, once the water went down. There are canals running thru the park. We are backed up on a canal.  You can fish in the canals. Not us.

I took this same picture yesterday and everything was underwater up to the bottom of the deck.

This happened right after the rain stopped. What a sight. This was taken out the back of the Monster.

I took this yesterday morning. In my last post, I showed this same road completely under water.  The field next to the road is very low, with no drainage. It goes over the road and into the park. I am in the exact same spot as the picture before. The man is Denny.

These geese didn't like us walking near them. They were in the water when we first got there. We never stopped walking. They certainly didn't like us. They were making alot of noise for us to get out of their territory.

We just back from our 2nd walk around the park. We were able to go to areas that we couldn't before today. When I first started this posting, I said it was going  to get to 66 degrees. It is now 71 and we changed into T shirts.  Haven't had those on for a while.  Also have the door open and I am barefoot. Finally!

Have a Merry Christmas everyone. We miss and love  you all

1 comment:

  1. A rainbow ... definitely a good sign!! Hope you had a sunny and warm Christmas.
