Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I finally did it

Dec. 1, 2010

I know most people will laugh at me, but, I  did something I have been a little afraid of.  I finally drove our truck. We have had it for 5 years, but I have never driven it. It is a little intimidating to me. It is 22' long. I am used to my van or the caddy.  I never drove it last year on our trip.  I drove it to the laundry building yesterday. There is a lot of wide open spaces and figured I wouldn't hit anything.  I  have lived to tell you about it. Okay, now stop laughing!

Since Denny is still under the weather, I went for a walk today. I was looking for bobcats or deers. The man across from us saw a bobcat yesterday while walking his dogs.  We had already seen alot of deer but not a bobcat.  I had just read that there were bobcats in the park. YIKES! I heard some loud noises coming from a big clump of trees, but I wasn't about to go into them to investigate further.  If I see one out in the open, that's fine, but I'm not going to go into some trees. They are wild animals.

This is a nice park with some huge trees. It is 200 acres on what used to be an old ranch. Some of the trees are over 100 years old. I can certainly tell by how huge they are and how gnarly the bark is.

 There are alot of birds in the tree next to us. Every time I try to take a picture, off they fly. They are a pretty shade of light blue and white.

 You can see how gnarly the bark is on some of the trees

 There are alot of trees even bigger than these

 I take a lot of pictures of sunsets and sunrises.  This is a sunrise, taken right outside of our RV

On my walk I didn't get any pics of a bobcat, but found this girl  peacock. The boys are a lot prettier. I have also seen a lot of deer.

We had a heat wave today. Actually got up to 60 degrees. FINALLY!  It gets very cold at night but warms up during the day. I don't really feel like I have gotten to the warm winters until I get to wear sandals.  Not there yet, but getting close. For 2 days in a row, I have worn slip on shoes without socks. That is a huge leap for me.

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