Wednesday, December 22, 2010


December 22, 2010

We got to our new campground in Menifee Ca. yesterday.  It had rained all afternoon and evening of the 20th. We were on top of a  hill at the park. We had  to  cross a bridge to get to the entrance of the park. The bridge was washed out. That was our first  indication that it wouldn't be an easy trip.  We had to go out the emergency exit at the back. We decided to stick to the freeways as much as possible because  a lot of the side roads are flooded.  We even had to go through  water just to get to the freeway.  We did okay for awhile but then had to get off the freeway to get where we were going.  The road that I thought would be the best was closed because of flooding. YIKES!  The road we had to go on had A LOT of water over the road. At times the visibility was down to 1/4 mile.  Very stressful. Then we had to get back on another freeway. We were going 5 miles an hour because they had closed 3 lanes to  fill potholes. We had to bypass completely our next freeway because of mudslides onto the road. We certainly had to take a roundabout way. Our easy 2 hour trip turned into a stressful 4 hours. Denny is such an excellent driver in all conditions. I think I'll keep him.

We were so glad to get here, only to find that a majority of sites were under water. We were lucky to find a site on a little higher ground. We went for a walk after we got here to check everything out. Couldn't believe all the water. We just got back from taking another walk and couldn't believe how much more water there is than yesterday.

 We have to dry out our shoes and socks every time we go out. I discovered  I  have a hole in my shoes!

Denny ready to go for a walk. You can see how wet the ground is

 My O My!  This is the road in front of the park that we came on yesterday

OOPS! Somebody didn't realize where the ditch was

I know you have all heard about the wind and rain in California. Well, it is worse than you can ever imagine. We are right in the middle of it. It is worse than I have ever seen in Seattle. California roads and houses are not built with rain in mind, that's why it is so much worse when it happens. So many houses have been destroyed from the mud. LA had almost 7" in 5 days. The whole town of Laguna Beach is under water.

We came for warm, dry weather.  When is that going to start?  Didn't know we should have brought knee high rubber boots.  We have been gone over a month and had 2 days of nice weather. We could have stayed home. Hopefully Palm Springs is better.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got there safely! That looks so crazy! I hope you find sun soon. :-)
