Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sweatshirts Again

December 18, 2010

The weather has taken a turn for the worse. They are expecting more rain here than they have had in several years. Just our luck.  I  have gone from sweatshirts to tank tops and sandals back to sweatshirts. Starting yesterday, it is suppose to rain everyday until we leave. In fact, all the way thru Christmas. Our high was 72 degrees, now we are at 55, with a steady rain. Last year, I didn't bring enough warm weather clothes. This year I didn't bring many cold weather clothes. Sure wish I had some warm boots.  Of course, it is nowhere near the temperatures  in Seattle. It is kind of funny to see the reporters in warm hats and gloves and it is 55 degrees.  They act like is freezing. 

Christmas finally came to the Monster. I don't bring very many decorations because I don't want to take up a lot of room for something that is only out a few weeks. 

We were quite surprised to find a very good  grocery store here in a town of 400. It has everything I wanted. It  has a meat counter with a butcher. No meat in plastic trays here. The bacon is the best I've ever had. They even had fresh salsa made right in the store. I will really miss it when we leave next week. Most of the time, the small town stores have much to be desired. At our last campground, the closest store was 18 miles. 

When we came home yesterday afternoon, we saw some canopies going up in an area that is empty. We wondered what was going on. This morning there were a lot  more canopies,  trucks, RV's and a lot of people milling around.  If you want to know anything you go to the country store. Off I went.  It is a film crew.  They even bought $200  worth of props at the country store the night before. Can't imagine what they bought for props. The country store has some very basic food, drinks and a few tourist things like sunglasses, hats, swimwear, DVD's and such.  The man next to us said that there is alot of filming in the area at various times.  Curious minds want to know more.

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