Friday, September 30, 2011

More catching Up--Black Canyon and Crested Butte

 What a good looking couple that is.  Denny is even smiling, so you know we are having a wonderful time.

 The Gunnison River is 2000' below the cliffs

Sure seems high looking down

 This is the tallest cliff, 2250'.

 If you look directly down in the middle of the picture, you will see the River. I was leaning over, no fence. WOW. Good thing I didn't slip

These are pictures of Black Canyon  of the Gunnison National Park. I took almost 100 pictures, but certainly don't want to bore you with them all. Pictures don't do the Canyon justice. It is beautiful. At one time, all of the Canyon was under water. As the water eroded, deep canyons were left. Amazing what a little water can do. That is a VERY short version of how the canyons were formed.

We also went up to Crested Butte Ski Area. It is only 30 miles north of Gunnison.  We missed the turn to go to the bottom of the ski area. Kept going and ended up going 3 miles on a dirt road. We knew it was wrong, but no place to turn around. It was also raining so the truck got the dirtiest it has ever been. Couldn't even see the paint. Back in town, we went to a car wash with a high pressure wand. Denny says it was so bad, it would have taken hours with a regular hose.

More catching up later

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