Saturday, October 1, 2011

Blue Mesa --Gunnison, Colorado

Over Labor Day, the park had it's last potluck of the season. They supplied ham and pork roast and everyone brings something. Over the season, alot of parks have these.  They were selling raffle tickets. At the very last minute, before the drawing, I bought 6. I couldn't believe they were giving so many things away. I was beginning to think I wasted my money when our ticket number was called. It was the 2nd to last prize. It was something for the RV, but we can't use it so will give it to Darin. Barely sat down when they called the last number. I wasn't really paying attention when the lady next to me yelled that it was my number AGAIN!  Lots of people couldn't believe it was mine, 2 times in a row. I couldn't either. We got the grand prize-the food box.  It had some oatmeal, powered and brown sugar, pinot noir raspberry jam and chocolate chips. PLUS, a ticket to pick up 4 steaks and 2 pounds of ground beef. SCORE!  Everyone was jealous.  For $6.00, we got almost $75 worth of items.

 This picture is to show you that Denny really did put shorts on. After I took this, he took his socks off and has been wearing  sandals without socks ever since. YEA!

Our campsite, with Denny relaxing in the background

This is next to us.  It is 38'long. He also hauls his quad behind the RV. Notice the big truck he hauls everything with. Some states don't allow you to pull anything behind your 5th wheel , so  then his wife drives the car with the quad behind.  That must be quite the site going down the road. They are full timers.

This is an overview of our park

Every state has different liquor laws. In Colorado and Utah, you can't buy wine in the grocery stores. At the Safeway in Gunnison, you could even only buy cheap beer. For quality beer you also had to go to the liquor stores. 

We were  told to drink alot of water because of the high elevation (7700')  or else you can get really dehydrated. It didn't really effect Denny, but I'm a another story. I was so thirsty, I always had a bottle of water with me. I'd finish it and then fill it again.  I was never without my water bottle.  I usually do drink alot of water, but nothing like I did there.  Eventho I was constantly drinking water, my mouth felt so parched, like I hadn't had a drink in days.

 If you aren't used to the high elevation, you can get very winded and out of breath walking around.  Scarttered around the park are wrought iron metal benches with roof overhangs so people can rest.  Also have pots of flowers around  them.  I thought it was a very nice thing for the park to do.

Now that I have finally figured out what I'm doing, it shouldn't take me long to catch up on our travels. I only do this when we are traveling, so I forget each year. There is always a learning curve for me to get over. Mainly, how to get certain  pictures downloaded.  Not sure why, but I can't get the yellow out. Sounds like a detergent commercial.  I  guess I'm still on the learning curve.

More catching up later......

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