Friday, October 7, 2011

Bryce Canyon

I have given up on downloading any pictures until we get  somewhere the feed is better. It took 10 hours to do 2 pictures. Very frustrating.  I'm going to chat about our travels, so I can at least catch up.  If I waited for pictures, that would never happen. Whenever  we get to a better feed, I'm going to download all the pictures at once.  You'll probably get tired of pictures.

I do have to say I miss my old camera. I originally had a 35mm SLR. I bought just before digitals starting getting reliable.  I then went to a Canon digital. I liked it but I wanted something smaller so I could put in my pocket when hiking. I really, really miss my viewfinder.  It is so bright sometimes, that I can't really see what I'm aiming at.  I think I'm going to breakdown an get a digital SLR.  They are spendy, but I'm not happy with my small camera.

After 6 days at Moab, we went to Bryce. It was a short drive.  Of all the National Parks we have been to, I think Bryce is my favorite.  The views are breathtaking.  The rock formations are a vivid red. My camera certainly doesn't do it justice.    

 Our campground was 5 miles from  the entrance. We felt like we were in Washington. There were trees everywhere. Not Douglas Fir, but Pinin Pines. That is the tree that you see everywhere.  We could even build a fire. It is rare for us to be able to have a fire. Since we usually can't , we had no kindling or starter. We bought firewood, $6.00 per bundle.  No ax to chop into kindling. Bought charcoal starter and it worked like a charm. Went thru 3 bundles. Seemed strange to buy wood.  We have a freestanding 12" round gas fire pit. It works, but isn't as good as a real fire. 

 The 2nd day we went for a drive on Highway 12. It is an All American Highway. There are a lot of Scenic Highways, but very few All American Highways.  It has to be  so scenic that it is a destination in itself.  I was a tad disappointed. Parts of it were very scenic, but  we thought the rest was just okay. Washington has alot more beautiful highways  than what we were on.

The Red Rock Canyon leading to our campground had a couple of short tunnels. We had to go in the middle to make sure we got thru.  Glad there weren't any cars coming the other way.  The sides really sloped down.  The top was only 11' 6".  Very tight!  Picture of it will have to come later. 

Now we are up to Sept. 23rd.


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