Sunday, October 23, 2011

Monument Valley, Utah

October 10th and 11th

From the North Rim, we were going to go straight to the South Rim, but changed our minds. That is one of the benefits of a long trip. We have no set itinerary and can change our minds. We (I) decided to go to Monument Valley.  It is on the AZ./ Utah border.  It is still hot in southern AZ., so we decided to do more exploring in the places that get too cold in the winter.  The winters here get down to 25 degrees.   There have been more western movies set here than anywhere. It is  in the Navajo Indian Reservation. If you drive in the park yourself, you can only go so far. Have to take a tour to see the back country with an  Indian guide.   I'm glad we did. The back country roads were a mess,  lots of potholes and loose sand.  We saw a few cars get stuck on the "better roads", even tho they are still bad. We had to  "hold on for dear life" sometimes.   Many times the left or right side of the truck was much higher than the other. We really thought we were going over a few times, but we had the best driver. In one really soft spot, we saw a tour guide driver get stuck.  Not ours!  It was expensive but really worth the money.

After we got back, I had another Senior Moment.  I deleted alot of pictures before I downloaded them. Can't believe it did that. I still had alot of pictures but the best ones were GONE! I seem to be having a lot of Senior Moments!


This is the tour bus that we took. It picked us up at the campground

These two formations are called left mitten and right mitten

This one is called Geronimo after the chief

Flowers abound in the desert.  The hole in the background is a cave with ruins of a home

This is a view from our campground

The pictures from the blogs I have done today have taken hours to download, so I'm signing off today. I'll start more  catching up tomorrow. Besides here, I still have 2 more places to talk about.  Once I get caught up, I'll never get behind again.

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