Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Arches National Park

At one time the two sides of the highway were the same. Millions of years ago, the tectonic plates shifted and the right side, which is Arches National Park, is now about 2000' lower.  The highway in the picture leads into Moab. The building below is the visitor center to Arches. I was only a little way up when I took this picture.  You go much higher to see the park.

Arches national Park is beautiful and indescribable. Even pictures don't do it justice. I took about 100, but I won't show them all. Here are just a few.

You can take hikes to get closer to the Arches.  Denny's hip is bad so we couldn't walk too far

This rock formation is called "The Elephants"  Can you see them?

So many rocks balance on top of others. They really look like they would fall any minute, but have been that way for millions of years

Denny checking out the info and view

The Internet speed is so slow that it has taken me several hours to upload these photos.  I had planned on showing more, but finally gave up.  If it gets better, I might do more.

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