Sunday, October 16, 2011

I'm still married, but Denny is not!

The 2nd day we were at Hurricane, we went to town to get groceries and go to the bank. As we were walking away from the truck, Denny realizes his wedding ring is GONE!  We went back to the truck and looked inside and out. NOTHING.  Because Denny isn't really working with his hands anymore and with  the dry heat, his knuckles are alot smaller. The ring is  very loose.  He usually spins his ring around his finger to make sure it's still there. He did that and NOTHING! We looked   in the RV, but no luck. We are hoping that we might see it someday in a place we don't expect, but I really doubt it.  It could be anywhere. We have been gone about 10 weeks.  Denny thought he had seen it a few days earlier, but not sure.

In our last two trips, it has always been a game which bank we will find first. Denny has BofA and I have US bank. Before, we have always found BofA  alot more than US Bank.  That's not bad, because it means we take money out of his account, not mine.  Not this time. We found US Bank in Hurricane. Still haven't seen Denny's bank. For the past 2 years, I didn't find mine until Palm Springs and not again until Tucson. Now the money comes out of my account!

I take lots of pictures of  sunsets. I also take sunrises, but not as many because I'm usually not up.

The weather at Hurricane was beautiful and warm for the first 10 days, then turned rainy. It rained almost 2 days straight. When we woke up one morning there was snow on the mountains that aren't too far away.  We had been up to visit  Cedar Breaks (more on that later) a few days earlier. Lucky we went when we did. It got 17" of snow.  We met some friends from South San Francisco that happened to get caught up there. They showed us pictures.  It took them 2 hours to go down a road that  usually takes 30 minutes.  It is at an elevation of 10,000 '.

Our new friends had a bad time. They had actually tried to go to Cedar Breaks (30 miles) a few days earlier. Had transmission trouble with their truck.  Limped home and went to a certified technician about it. He jerry rigged it with foil  and said the part would be in the next day.  It wasn't, so they started out again. This time they had to be towed  back to the garage. His temporary fix obviously didn't work. The part still wasn't in so they got a rental, which is what they took to Cedar Breaks and got caught in the snow.  They were suppose to leave 5 days before us. By the time we left, they were still there. Very frustrating to them.  They had to get home so made arrangements for their 5th wheel to be transported home. They were going to follow in their rental car.  Not sure if they also had their truck towed home or had to leave it there.  What an way to end their trip. They had planed to go to several more places before going home. Had to cancel everything.  I can't imagine how much that must have cost.  I hope they had insurance for it. We do.

I tried to do more pictures, but it still takes forever. More later.....

Still trying to catch up.  Once we left Zion the places we went to didn't have good Internet connections,  so I'm even further behind than I was.

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