Friday, October 28, 2011

One of the Mysteries of Life Solved--Maybe

After we had been gone awhile, a strange thing started happening.  We would be sitting watching TV in the evening and the lights would go out. Just for a second or two, then go back on. By the time Denny got up to check it out, they would go back on. Hard to find out what's wrong when they go back on so fast.  Happened 3 or 4 times.  Then it didn't happen for quite a while. It also only happened at night.  Night before last it happened at least 10 times in about an hour. A few times they stayed off for quite a while. Our inside voltage gauge showed  0 volts.  He was able to get outside with a flashlight and the outside gauge ( came with the RV) also showed  0.  It would go up to 120 when the lights went on. The next morning the power also went off in the morning. Thank heavens I was able to make coffee before they went out.  That would have been disastrous.  Have to have coffee!   Hopefully it was an easy fix. Two years ago Denny bought a voltage booster. We were having alot of trouble with parks not having very good power.  He disconnected it and so far, no more problems. Every once in awhile, we get into parks that have good power.  He thinks he just has to check the voltage before he hooks up the booster. It means that the booster was doing its job. It is a bad thing to have too much voltage. That can  burn the electrics you have, like the TV.  Hopefully this will fix it. Would be amazing to have such an easy fix to an electrical problem. We have never really had any major problems with the RV. Knock on wood.

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