Sunday, October 23, 2011

North Rim of the Grand Canyon

October 9 th and 10th

After 2 weeks we left Hurricane, Utah to go to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.  Only 10% of the people that visit the Grand Canyon, go to the North Rim. Most people go to the South Rim. They are only 10 miles across from each other, but 270 road miles.  The North Rim is much higher at 8300'. The South Rim is only 7000'.  It is a much quieter and colder. It closes Oct 15th because of snow. We were there the 9th and 10th, so we just made it.  We parked at the closest RV Park,  50 miles north.  A few days before we came, they had 4" of snow. The roads were fine, but there was still snow at the sites. At night it got down to 35 degrees. The RV park was in a National Forest so felt right at home, surrounded by trees. You could have real fire so we thought we better do it. When we go further into Az., parks don't allow  it.  They even supply you with jugs of water to put it out. There are signs all over the park about putting it out with water because of  all the trees. A spark could easily start a fire.  Two more groups left their fires before we did and neither one put out their fires. Can't people read the signs!  Management put the fires out.

Hard to see in the picture, but I have on a  Washington Huskies sweatshirt. It was quite a conversation piece.  Met people from Tacoma, Marysville and Olympia. At the parking lot, I met  a  man who was sure he knew me. He looked vaguely familiar but I really recognised his voice.  We kept meeting at various points on the trails and kept trying to figure out how we knew each other. Denny mentioned that I might have known him thru work. Could have been security or maintenance at the many buildings I worked at. JACKPOT!  He was in charge of maintenance at a couple of churches I worked on over a span of 15-20 years.  My boss went to a Catholic church,  St. Brendon's,  and we worked there  off and on for many years.  What a small world.   Larry was the maintenance foreman. We followed him to another church in downtown Seattle when he changed jobs. Hadn't seen him for several years.

                                                    Overview of the canyon

Another view

Denny often gets very close to the edge!  Lots of trails have no guardrail. A tad close for me

Getting closer to catching up but still a ways to go

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