Wednesday, October 5, 2011

On the road again--Moab, Utah

After 2 weeks at Blue Mesa, the road was calling again.  It was a short driving day to Moab, Utah. There were 3 National Parks and One State Park that we wanted to see. Just driving into Moab was beautiful. On our way there, we stopped at a rest stop that showed the canyons Butch Cassidy and his gang hung out in to avoid the law. You could certainly see why they chose that place. Very desolute with very steep canyons. Can't find the picture I took of it.  The home he grew up in wasn't far.

When we were in Moab, we went to a Light and Sound Show. They serve dinner on land, then you get into a boat that cruises the Colorado River.  At dusk , they light up the rocks along the way and put it all to music.  All of the time, they are talking about the history of the area. The night sky was beautiful. Being away from cities, the stars are very bright.  Seemed like the whole sky was lit up with stars. We saw the Milky Way clearly.

We also went to 2 wineries. They say the climate is a lot like Eastern Washington for growing grapes. The wine was very good.

This is the view from our campsite

When we went on the light and sound show, they pointed out several rocks that look like people.  They said this was some cartoon character that I can't remember, but I think it is the Pope.

The dark streaks are called rock varnish, but it is from water flowing down. It hardens to a slick surface.

If you like active sports, Moab is the place to go.  We saw more biking, hiking, boating and ATVs than anywhere we have been.  If we had stayed longer, we thought renting a Hummer to go ATVing would have been lots of fun.  Always have to leave something for next time.
This is an overview of the rocks along the Scenic byway

On our cruise, it was getting dusk. Almost ready for the light show. The Colorado River is always brown, even on a sunny day. It is always filled with silt.

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