Sunday, October 23, 2011

Bad water

Ever since we left, the water hasn't really tasted great to me. Not bad enough to buy it, but not really good either.  I was surprised at that because we were in the Colorado Rockies in the beginning.. You would think they would have great water.  The first thing I do when we get settled is try the water.  Hurricane's was the worst. I finally bought water. It tasted like rubber.  Then we went to a few more  places and the water didn't taste too bad. Now, it is horrible again.  Turns out it wasn't the water.  When we got here, (Kingman), Denny changed the outside water filter. Lo and behold,  the water tastes okay.  When we got to a spot that we stayed a few weeks, Denny put the filter on. When we were traveling a few days at a time, he wouldn't. The filter was bad, that is why it was sometimes good, sometimes bad.  In the past years we have traveled, we always had to buy water in central and Southern Az.  I suppose once we go further south, we will have to again.

We have seen alot of different and unique RVs.  I think our RV is huge, that's why we call it the Monster. It is 35' with 4 slides.  When we were in Blue Mesa, Co., there was a 38' with 5 slides. It was HUGE.  We talked to the guy and he admitted that he was about 3000lbs overweight for the truck that was pulling it.  It was no stronger than what we have.  It is a very dangerous thing to be so overweight. Not good when you want to put on the brakes. Also you go thru alot of transmissions and other parts.

Very rare to see a converted bus as an RV.  Looks beautiful, but doesn't have any slides. Would love to see the inside. Even had the matching red car.

When we first started  out  few years ago, you rarely saw 4 slides.  Now that is common sight. Now we are beginning to see a few with 5 slides.  Never seen the inside of one, but it must seem like a house. We also saw one that we have never seen before. It was a 5th wheel with 2 doors. We have seen  2 doors on trailers but never a 5th wheel.  Also, the main slide, where the couch and dining room table is,  had a peaked roof.   Very unusual RV.  I took a picture of it but I think  it is lost in cyberspace.

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