Saturday, November 26, 2011


Our campground was about 2 miles from the main road. Every time we went in or out we saw cows on the side of the road. A few times we had to stop to let the cows cross.  Their mother certainly didn't teach them to look both ways before crossing the road. There was also some No Trespassing signs. The cows must not know how to read either.  They wandered everywhere.

I'm sure most of you know about the painted pigs in Seattle. They represent Rachael, the pig, at the Public Market. They are painted by local artists and placed all over  the city,  to be auctioned off  for charity. Here, they have painted wine barrels. They are also painted by local artists to be auctioned off  for charity.  Wine Tasting is big in the area so wine barrels are a logical choice.

A few days ago, a beautiful bird entertained us for quite awhile. There is a tree right outside our window. He was on the tree, then he would fly to the window and back. Sometimes he flew into the window. Ouch! He kept this up for a long time, then we didn't see him. We thought he had flown away somewhere.  After a while, I noticed him perched on our window. He stayed there for a long time without moving. . I think he was looking at his own reflection. He was fun to watch.

The bird was pecking at the tree looking for bugs. Very colorful

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