Saturday, March 3, 2012


March 1,  2012

My parents used to live here, in fact my brother was born here.  My Dad was a pilot in the Air force during the war, traveling to many  different bases and airports in the US and around the world.   My folks still had their address, so we put it in the Garmin and took off.  I really wasn't sure we would find it, but we went straight to the old  address. They did say they lived down the street from Frank Sinatra.

.This is where my folks used to live, 1316 E. Alameda Road.  I doubt it looked like this 68 years ago, but it was cool to see the street and place.

 There are so many bushes in front that you can't really see the house.

I walked onto the driveway and stuck my camera thru the fence to take a look. I'm surprised that a neighbor didn't call the police to say there was a peeping tom looking at houses. I'm sure there wasn't a pool when my  folks lived here, but not sure about the house. My folks will have to let me know. When I told them what it looked it, it sounded like the same, but upgraded. We'll see. How cool would that be if it was the same house.

Before we came here a few years ago, I thought this whole area was Palm Springs. Nope! It is actually 6 cities, Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, Indian Wells and Indio. They are all next to each other so that you don't know what city you are in unless you see the city limit sign. Palm Springs is on one end, with Indio on the other. They probably span around 25 miles.  Even tho all cities probably total 125,00 to 150,00, it still gives me a small town feel. I think because the streets are so wide.

When my folks lived here, they said that there were miles of desert between each of the cities. How times have changed.

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