Saturday, March 24, 2012


March 21st

We were lounging at the pool with Linda, a friend we originally met at Moab, Utah. We have seen them  several times since we have been here.  She mentioned that she had to go to Mexico for a dentist apt. and she was going alone. Her husband had been called away on a family emergency.  I didn't think it was good for her to go off alone, so I went with her.  It was for the next day. We already had plans but I changed them.  Denny wanted me to get his passport out in case he had to go get us. He was a little nervous about it.

  It is a 2 hour drive to Mexico from here. The border town on the US side is Calexico. The Mexican town is Mexicali.  We parked in a secure lot in Calexico and walked across the border. The dentist is about a 15 minute drive from there, but he picks you up. We walked the 2 blocks to the hotel. There  is a taxi stand right in front of the hotel so they are always asking you if you want a ride. Our ride was 15 minutes late. It was making me a little nervous. What if he didn't show? Yikes!  He finally came . It seemed a little strange to get in a car in Mexico with a stranger. He just called Linda's name and off we went.  The dentist office was very clean and modern. They felt very comfortable having him do the work. Fred was a dental technician and he had been leery for a while to get any work done in Mexico.  This dentist had a  practice in Phoenix but because of the economy, he  had  closed it 4 years ago and came down here. In fact, he still lives there. They go home on the weekends.  Another of the dentist had  had a practice in Las Vegas. He said about 100 doctors and dentists had left the area.  They spoke with an accent, but you could clearly understand them.  That would be a major concern for me.

After Linda was done, the dentist's wife drove us back to the border. When we came earlier in the day, the line to get back into the US was very, very long. Linda said that the last time they were here, they stood in line 1 1/2 hours to get across. We must have timed it just right because there was no line. Went straight on thru. All of the people were Mexican. We were the only Americans.

Most people go to Mexico thru Yuma. You walk over and within a 3-4 block radius, there are dentists, doctors, pharmacy's and shopping.  Mexicali is such big town, everything is so spread out. Linda and Fred said that even tho they liked their dentist, they would go thru Yuma next time. It is so much more convenient.

She has to go again on Thursday. If her son can't go with her, I will.

Two Ladies off to Mexico again, maybe.

Entrance to Mexico. The building on the left is where the walkers go in. The line of cars coming out are from Mexico. The lines are really long to leave Mexico by car.

The lanes below the blue signs are for entering Mexico by car.

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