Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Oct 7th - 9th

We made our way from Northern to Southern Michigan to see my  first cousin, once removed,  Lon and his wife, Mary Jo.  His mother and my mom were first cousins.  We parked the RV in a park 25 minutes from their home, but we stayed overnight  with them. They had 2 full days of sightseeing planned for us. We had a wonderful time getting to know them better. 

First place they took us was the Gilmore Car Museum.  It covers 90 acres, is in the middle of corn fields and is one of the largest car museums in the U.S.   Each collection was in a different building.  Not long after we got there, the lights went out.  OH NO!  We didn't get  to see it all, but there were several buildings with big enough windows that we saw most of it.

This is the first car, the Motorwagon, delivered to the public on July 3, 1886.   It had one horsepower and went  9 MPH. We have certainly come a long way!

I thought this car was beautiful, a 1938 Mercedes

Notice this car has handles on the front and back of the door, you can open it both ways. It is a 1929 Hudson

This  1958 corvette was designed by women for women.  It has a compartment under the dash for your purse, seat covers for every season, a floor mounted waste basket and matching license plate frame.  This was a concept car, but never actually built.  The color was very unique, Silver Olive.

1939 Packard pulling a 1937 Conestoga, camping trailer.  I think ours is much nicer, not sure I would have gone anyway with this

Wooden tires used during WWII. There was a shortage of rubber.  Didn't go over very well because there was no traction for stopping. Yikes!

This is for all golfers out there.  Notice the compartment behind the door.  It is for golf clubs. There were quite a few cars with this little door.  Never seen a modern car with this feature

Never thought I'd have my hand on a Presidents knee. No Secret Service came to stop me.

I know this was a lot of pictures, but I thought they were so cool. I took a lot more, but didn't want to bore you.

After we left, they took us to an Irish Pub. Great time. Nice way  for Denny to spend his birthday-old cars and Guiness

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