Monday, January 19, 2015


Jan. 19th, 2015

We arrived in the Parker, AZ area last Wed.  We will be in this area,  between 2 parks,  for a month, leaving Feb. 14th.   We have been coming here since our first trip in 2009.  Very warm and sunny.  Right now I'm in shorts and a t shirt with bare feet.  It  is 75 degrees,  by the weekend it will be around 80.  Feels so good after all the cold weather we have been having.  We have met alot of good friends in the area from all over the U.S and Canada

This park, Emerald Cove is one of our most favorites. It has 2 pools, a wading pool and 2 hot tubs. Also the Tiki Bar serves food all day until 5 pm. The clubhouse serves breakfast every day and Friday and Saturday night dinners.   Love that!  We have been to the hot tub and taken a bike ride around the park every day.  In 2 weeks we will stay at another park 12 miles away and then back here for 10 days until we leave for Palm Springs.  Doesn't seem possible that after all our traveling we are in the 2nd to the last area before we head for home.

This is where I first learned about geocaching.  Been lots of fun and taken us to all sorts of places.  Wed. we are going with Denny's cousins, Larry and Joyce on a bike ride around Lake Havasu,  That is the closest big town,  about 40 miles away.  We call it civilization.  Parker has less than 2000.  Here there is only one Safeway, a Wallmart and a CVS Pharmacy

Emerald Cove has the longest beach on the Colorado River. The River is the state line between CA. and AZ.

We have to buy our water here. You don't realize how much water you use until you have to buy it.  Have been here 6 days and used over 3 gallons plus a case of bottled water that we brought from Odessa, TX.  A gallon of water is 25 cents. All campgrounds and businesses have it for sale outside. You take your empty jugs and fill them.

Update on recycling: I had mentioned in an earlier post  that there is very little recycling anywhere.  The last 2 campgrounds we stayed in Cottonwood (Northern)  and  Buckeye (Central) AZ recycled everything. A pleasant surprise. Now in Western AZ., there is again  very little recycling. This campground has none. Our other campground, Big River, only collects aluminum cans. Since we don't drink pop, we have none.  After I talked about no recyling in Texas, my cousin, who lives in Plano ( northeast of Dallas) says they recycle everything.  I guess it is just hit and miss.

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