Thursday, January 1, 2015


Jan 1, 2015

HAPPY NEW YEAR GREETINGS from Cottonwood, AZ. Yesterday it stated snowing before we got up,  didn't completely stop until late afternoon.  Sometimes huge flakes, other times, tiny.  I think we got at least 4".  It  was beautiful  to watch with us warmly sitting in the RV.  Luckily we had planned on staying in.  We couldn't have gone anywhere anyway because the hill going into the campground is very steep and curvy.

There was an RV that was in the space behind the picnic table. When it left right after we got up, it left a large space with no snow. As you can see, it's completely filled in. Didn't take long. 

Obviously we didn't sit outside yesterday. A few days ago, we had been sitting in the bright blue sky with the sun shinning. What a difference a few days make

We had planned on going to Jerome in a few days but I don't think so.  Jerome had 8" of snow and it isn't going to warm up enough to melt.  Jerome is always a fun little town to go to, it is built on top of an old mine. Because of all the tunnels underground, the town is  slowly sliding downhill.  It has turned into an old, artsy, creative town with lots of shops and wineries. Always on our list of places to go, but maybe next year. 

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