Saturday, December 27, 2014


Dec 27th

We want to wish all of our family and friends  Merry Christmas  and Happy New Year  from Cottonwood, AZ.  It has been a sad, but good year for us. Sad  that my Dad passed away last March.  Good in that both of us are healthy and having a good time traveling. 

This is our first year without either of my parents, Mom passed away Sept. 5, 2012 and  Dad March 15, 2013.   Been thinking about that alot. In a strange way, it is comforting to know that we are now in one of their favorite campgrounds in Northern AZ.  The last one we were at in Southern AZ was also a favorite of theirs.  In a few days, Dec 29th, it  was the beginning of the end for my Dad.  We all thought he was fine at Christmas, but by Dec 29th, he was back in the hospital with the first of many infections.  He only came home for 1 week during that whole time. He went from the  hospital to rehab and back 3 times  until he passed away March 15th. 

Cottonwood is about 100 miles north of Phoenix.  It is also one of our favorites and we always stop here. We are in the mountains at 3000', so we are a little colder than Phoenix. Our highs are the mid 50's with the lows in the mid 20's.  It is cold, but bright sunshine during the day, no clouds in sight.  It is a Thousand  Trails park with lots of activities.   The best part (for me) is that there is a restaurant open  all day Wed thru Sunday, serving breakfast, lunch and dinner.  We had very good fish and chips last night. We are going to prime rib tonight.  Love that!  Lots of beautiful scenery and history here.  We are a little south of Sedona  and west of Jerome, a funky little artist ghost  town, always interesting to go to.

Have  to mention that we have been carrying little critters all the way from Tuscola, IL. We were there from Oct 20th to the 24th.  We were infested with  ladybugs, but these are not the cute variety. Not sure what kind they are, but they smell when you kill them.  We had hundreds in our RV.  Denny vacuumed a few times and we thought we were done with them.  BUT, OH NO,  they still come out. We kill a few everyday. getting kind of tired of them. Surprised they have lived so long after leaving Tuscola.

We were also infested with sugar ants in  southern AZ. The park warned us to put out powder around all  the openings going into the RV. We did, but I  guess, not enough. Killed hundreds every day. Since we left there Dec 24th, we still have them, but not many.  At least they are going away, unlike the ladybugs

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