Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Dec 13th,

Sunday I went with the ladies next to us  to the 4th ave Winter  Festival  in Tucson.  Denny stayed home to watch  football, more his style.  Lots of fun just people watching.  Bought a few things, ate too much and had a great time.

There was a man selling recycled license plates.  One of the patterns was all the football  teams. They spelled your team with the logo. The only one they were sold out of was the SEAHAWKS.  Amazing to see in Dallas of all places. 

This is a business on the same street as the fair

She was the balloon lady. Quite the character. I saw alot of people  dressed this way, but  had a dead battery in my camera

Neighbors Christmas decoration

Decoration in RV park in Dallas

Have to mention something  we saw in Texas.  Parents raise kids in Texas a little differently. My cousin's twin boys never answered us without saying yes,  mamam, no mamam.  Very polite.  At my Aunt's garage sale, I heard more yes, mamam, no mamam's from adults than I had ever heard.  They certainly were raised with more manners than I had seen in a long time, if ever.  Nice  to hear

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