Sunday, December 21, 2014


Dec 19th

A few days ago, I plugged my phone in to charge it.  My brother called, it only rang once. When I went to answer it, the screen went black except for a little circle that looked like it was searching  for something. Then  that disappeared and everything was black. Wouldn't turn on, wouldn't do anything.  I left it plugged into the charger all night, hoping that maybe I hadn't had the plug in just right.  In the  morning,  the phone was still black, wouldn't do a thing. I was afraid my phone had died and I would have to buy another one. OH NO!  Phones aren't cheap.  I have an extra charger so tired it.  It worked, it was only my charger that had quit.  I never would have thought about that except that I had  one to try. If I hadn't, I would have just gone out and bought another phone.  First Good Luck for the day!

I had taken my rings off my ring finger and put them on the end table between us.  The next day, I looked and they were gone. It was my wedding ring and the original wedding set my parents had when they married in 1943.  I can always buy a new wedding ring, but my parents set was irrareplacable. The end table is over a hot air vent, so I moved the table and saw my rings. My ring  was still on the carpet, very close to the edge. My parents set was in the vent.  It had landed on a flat area within a inch of the opening.  Denny opened up the vent cover and carefully got my parents set. I was so lucky, another inch and it would have been gone. Second good luck


That night we were watching TV and I heard a noise. When I got up to go to the kitchen, I saw water dripping onto our dining room table.  We had thought there was a small leak somewhere because we had noticed a darkening of the fabric above the table in the last few years. We would clean it and it would come back. It was so small that Denny could never find it.  There was so much water that it was also dripping from the edge of the cabinets and light fixtures. It had been raining for 2 days, but we have had alot of rain before.  I guess it finally got big enough for water to get thru. We filled a  bucket twice  with water. My computer got wet. It still works, but the inside of the screen got wet. Very blotchy. Hopefully it will dry. It looks better than it did 2 days ago.  Denny finally found the trouble. The slide out has sagged little at one point on the roof.  When the slide is in the out position, there is a small gap between the roof and the rubber that is suppose to seal it off.  Since it is all movable, Denny hasn't quite figured out what to do.  I'm sure he will, but is quite stumped  for  now. This is the first major problem we have had with the RV since we bought it. 

Have to mention one thing that we have noticed in all the states we have been in. There is very little, if any, recycling.  Some places only do plastic bottles, some do cans only, most do nothing.   We rarely drink pop so we don't have many cans and refill our plastic water bottles.  In Texas, there was absolutely no recycling. The worst part is that the well in the park we stayed at  wasn't up to the city standards, so they were giving out cases of water to drink and cook with.   In the 2 weeks we were there, we used almost 4 cases. Every single plastic bottle went in the trash. Seemed sacrilegious to us, but no choice.  The park was full of alot of oil workers living there full time. Just think of all the plastic going to a landfill.   My cousin, Denise, said that the city had tried recycling, but it didn't last long. No one would do it.  What a waste.

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