Sunday, December 14, 2014


Nov 25th - Dec 7th

Been so busy I haven't been able to update my blog.  We came here to spend Thanksgiving with my Aunt Laura and  my cousins. Laura is my Dad's younger sister ( 90 yrs old)
Dinner at Denise's home. 

Denise, Richard and their 2 twin boys, Clayton and Garrett. Richard should get son in law of the year award. . He bought  Laura a new house so she could be closer to them.  She  now lives just around the block

Laura with her 2 daughters, Carla and Denise plus me. Carla lives in Dallas, but was here for Thanksgiving and to help with garage sale

I keep seeing this guy every where I go,  so decided to let him tag along

West Texas is the biggest oil producer in the state. . Refineries and oil wells as far as you could see

 These tile pictures are typical in any Texas rest stop

We stayed 2 weeks to help with Laura's garage sale at her old house.  She had 90 pairs of shoes for sale, alot which had never been worn. Also lots of clothes and handbags. . It looked like a department store.  

I have really enjoyed visiting all my 1st cousins along the way on our travels.  Had a lot of one on one conversations that are hard to do at reunions. Reunions are too hectic to have long  conversations.  Also loved getting to know the husbands more.  This has been our 8th stop to visit relatives. 

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