Wednesday, February 15, 2017


FEB 15th

I haven't updated my blog for awhile because when we went to Yuma, our Internet was so slow I gave up on using it.

 In  the Guinness Book of World Records, Yuma, is the sunniest place on earth with 339 sunny days.  I was surprised because  I had thought that would have been in the Middle East.  We spent 5 days in Yuma because the weather was so much nicer than in Cottonwood and their was a geocaching Mega event. We met our friends from Palm Springs there. Had a good time. 

One day we went out into the desert with some new geobuddies that we met in Menifee, CA. I was very surprised to see sea shells in the desert, miles from any water. There are irrigation canals, but no large body of water.

There has been so much rain that the desert is so green. You don't see this very often.

This is a homemade RV in our park. It is even smaller than the tiny houses you see on TV. A little too small for us

There was a geocache in a pole in front of this house. Amazing sight to see in the desert. The owner was in the front yard and offered us a tour inside. 

Front view from the gate

Close view of the gate

Front yard

Moat around the house

Entrance, the man on the left is the owner, nice, but very eccentric


One of the bedrooms, each room had a theme. Sorry about it being so dark

This was in the middle of the living room

Left side of living room, his wife had painted the picture from a smaller picture on the bottom left

 Wall around the house

Back of house

I know this is a lot of pictures, but it was so amazing. For anybody that wants to move to the sunniest place on earth, this house is for sale. Not sure how much.

After we got back to the geocaching event, we learned that we had been the only ones that got a tour of the house.

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