Friday, February 3, 2017


Feb 3, 2017

A few day ago the sun finally came out. YAHOOO!  It has been in the mid to high 70's, next week into the 80's.  Started to wear flip flops, t shirts and shorts.  Since we left, we have had below normal temps wherever we have been. The sun feels so good.

I was out geocaching with a geobuddy a few days ago. There were several in Saguaro Park. Peacocks were roaming everywhere in the parking lot. Probably took too many pics, but they were so beautiful.

I know the color isn't very good because  it was in the shade, but included it because I have never seen one sitting down

I have never seen peacocks in a tree. When we were leaving we saw some down the street on top of the roof

I included this because  the sun was shining so bright on the tail

Can't imagine how you get in this truck.  The top of my head didn't even reach  the top of the wheel well.

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