Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Jan 24

Traveled to Surprise, AZ to visit friends, relatives and do some geocaching.  This is our most expensive park, but decided to stay here because it was close to everybody. Could have stayed at a cheaper park further away, but would have spent more on diesel and our time to get here.

Two nice things are  that we don't have to buy water and the park recycles everything. So nice not to throw so much away.  There are two pools, a spa and a tiki bar that has live music every night.  

Even tho our weather is better than most places, we are getting tired of it being so cold. Haven't been able to wear 90% of the clothing I brought.  The temps are about 15-20 degrees cooler than normal. Our next park is even colder. We were going to Cottonwood, AZ about 100 north of Phoenix. It is a much higher elevation so it is only in the mid 50's. We decided to go to Yuma, AZ instead. it is about 20 degrees warmer, in fact, it has more days of sunshine than any other place in the world.  Seems strange, but very true. We will finally be getting into the mid to high 70's. YAHOO! can't wait.

There is also a big geocaching Mega Event there at the same time. What a coincidence! HA. We have some friends that been wanting us to go, but I knew Denny wouldn't go unless it was cold up in Cottonwood.  Smiling about that😀😁

The park has a lot of entertainment. last night they had Dancing with the Sunflower Stars. It had  professional  dancers helping 6 seniors learn to dance and then you voted on the best.  Felt like the tv show, but not quite as good. It was fun. They even have lot of famous singing groups from the past come here.   Most people live here the entire winter. 

The park has a covered wagon in the front, thought it was great, so had to share

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