Saturday, January 7, 2017


Jan 7, 2017

On the Parker Strip, where our campground is, you see wild donkeys everywhere. You aren't suppose to feed them, but a lot of people do. You have to be careful driving because they might be, very slowly, crossing the road. They even come into the campgrounds. Last night we were watching TV and the signal was gong in and out. Went out to investigate and there were 2 donkeys right in front of the Directv dome.  As soon as they moved on, our TV went back to normal. Sometimes we lose our Directv  feed from wind or heavy clouds, but never before from  a donkey. This morning, we had to be very careful just stepping out of our RV.  During the night, they left their droppings everywhere.  

These pictures were taken a few years ago. 

Eventho I said earlier that we were in Parker, AZ, we are actually in Earp, CA. The only thing separating the 2 is the Colorado River.  Earp is named after Wyatt Earp. He lived in this area for several years. In fact, this area is the only place he ever owned a house.  Earp only has a post office and a convince store, not even up to the caliber of a 7-11 or a Circle K (those stores might be only in WA), not sure. The only other places  are mobile homes or RV parks. You have to go to Parker for anything.  That's why I always say Parker.  Parker is a town of a couple thousand people with only a Walmart, 2 grocery stores, one pharmacy and  a few restaurants and gas stations.  Arizona  is in another time zone, but because Earp and the Parker strip are so close and you have to go into Parker for everything,   this area is on Arizona time. Since my phone is locked into GPS,  every time I go back and forth, the time on my phone changes one hour forward or back. Can be confusing sometimes

Denny came down with a cold a few days ago. The people from Canada that we are visiting have been sick for about a month. Another couple we know  that just came  into the park (from WA)  are also sick. Of the six, I am the only healthy one (knock on wood).  All this sickness is really cutting into my geocaching time!

Before we leave,  it is hard to decide what clothes to take. This time, I took more hot weather clothes, big mistake. So far, I have been in jeans, sweatshirts,  shoes and socks. There has been only one time I wore capri's, flip flops and a t shirt.  I usually take more cold weather clothes, so thought I'd be smarter this time. HA.  When I pack, it is cold. It is  hard to get in the hot weather vibe is  why I usually take more clothes for cold weather.  I'll get it right sometime.  Of course, I know I shouldn't  complain compared to the weather back home.  It is COLD, COLD, COLD with snow sometimes.

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