Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Dec 28, 2017

We came to Parker, AZ for a month.  It is on the CA/AZ border. The state line is in the middle of the river. Staying at Emerald Cove, one of our favorite parks.  When we were in Lake Havasu geocaching  a few years ago  we met some people at the same cache we were at  who also were staying at the same park as us. Small world, we have been caching together ever since.

Last Friday,  the heavens opened up and it rained all night. Someone had a rain gauge and it was filed at the 6'' mark. Then Sat it rained and thundered all day. We couldn't even get out of our RV without stepping in water. It was amazing to see, it had never rained that hard here.

I had brought these rubber boots with me just in case.  Good thing I had them! My granddaughter gave me these a few years ago when they  got too small  for her.  She now can't believe that she would ever have worn something like this. Back then, she was 9, now is is almost 13 and into fashion a lot more.

Happy hour before the rains came

This is our view of the Colorado river from our campsite

Emerald Cove has the longest beach (1 mile) on the Colorado River

How different a few days make. Today we have the door open, it is 71 degrees,

Taking advantage of the hot tub with our friends from Canada

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