Sunday, December 4, 2016


Dec 4, 2016

Last Thursday we decided to go wine tasting in Temecula, about 15 miles south. Along the way,  we did some geocaching. Our first one took us to a pile of rocks. I was looking under rocks and found the container. Just as I was going to grab it, I heard the RATTLE, Yikes. About a foot away, I saw a RATTLESNAKE.  Denny said he has never seen me jump so fast. It was about as big around as my thumb and between a foot and 2 feet long. Hard to tell when it is coiled. Denny said it was a baby, but certainly big enough to scare me to death. Took awhile for my heart to stop the pitter patter. There was no way I was going to reach down to sign the log to show I found it.  When in the desert you are always suppose to be on the lookout for snakes. As long as I have been caching, this is my first snake sighting, let alone a rattlesnake. Hope never to see another one. I have a reacher tool that I sometimes use in the desert, but, I forgot it.  Thought I left it at home, but Denny found it in the storage area. Will certainly use from now on.

Went to a few wineries. One had a glass floor, when you looked down, you saw the area they make the wine with all the barrels and equipment. This sign was on the floor. Good advice for ladies that wear dresses. 

As some of you know, champagne is my favorite drink. Saw this pillow at another winery. Considered buying it just for fun  until we saw the price, $119.  Even the guy that was pouring our tastings couldn't believe it. He had to look at it, then to the computer to check, back to look at pillow and back to computer before he believed it.  He told all the other people behind the counter and no one could believe it was that expensive. I know things can be high at wineries, but the was a bit excessive. Thought it had to be gold, but it was just  canvas with regular stitching.

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