Sunday, January 15, 2017


JAN 15, 2017

Tomorrow we are leaving to go to Surprise, AZ.  Just wanted to say a few thoughts about this area.

There is no recycling whatsoever here. It feels very strange to throw everything away, almost sacrilege.  Seems like such a waste. Our last park in Menifee, CA recycled everything. Went from one extreme to the other. Hopefully our next park will at least recycle something.

We have had to buy our water here.  It is cheap, only 25 cents a gal. We carry one gal jugs. All of the parks and fronts of businesses have  dispensers.  You don't realize how much water you use until you have to buy it. Between the coffeepot, free standing ice maker, cooking and drinking, we fill the jugs every few days.  I filled a glass and it was actually cloudy. Yuck! You have to buy water in several places in AZ, but on this trip, this is the only area. 

Because of the weather and sickness, we haven't done a lot this month. We have only been geocaching 5 times, which is VERY unusual for us.  Also we have only been to the hot tub 3 times. We usually plan our day to be home for a hot tub during happy hour. 

A few days ago, Denny was feeling better so we went to the movies. We saw Star Wars: Rogue One. Seniors get into the matinee for only $5.00. Can't beat that. 

We had to move to another park for a week. We were still able to have a view of the water.

Arizona does have beautiful sunsets

Lake Havasu

The heavy rains have finally stopped. I had to show you this picture. This is in the ladies room. Notice the white areas  in the ceiling are showing some dark. There was some  damage to the ceiling from the rain.  We have been coming here since 2009. This happens in the same spot every year. Don't you think they would fix the roof before they fix the interior????  Seems logical to me. Right after they started the patches, it rained again, hence the dark areas.  Plus, a whole new spot where the rain is coming thru. The paint is straining to stay up, but it looks like it will break thru any minute. The sheet rock and tape are loose.  It has looked like this for days. Since we haven't had more rain, the loose area is shrinking, but still there.  Poor maintenance. I bet this will happen again next year.

On to Surprise........

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