Saturday, April 22, 2017


Nov 19, 2017

We are leaving tomorrow to start our travels going home. I took some miscellaneous pictures that really didn't have a category, so thought I would just post them.

 In the Coachella Valley, you see lots of windmills and solar panels for electricity. Liked this picture because you see both. It is very windy in the valley, so there are lots of windmills.  The solar people don't think much of windmills and vice  versa. Of course, they each  think their energy source is the best.

 This a great bracelet I bought to add to my collection of Seahawk gear to wear on game days. It is made out of a Budweiser beer can. Amazing what people can think of!

 Notice the ladders half way up the palm trees?  Haven't quit figured out why they are half way up and how do you get to the bottom of the ladder.   What is the purpose of them???  One of the Mysteries of Life I guess.

This RV is a little too small for us. Can't imagine staying in it.  It was at the site for a couple of weeks. It is like a 2 man tent on wheels.

This is an RV from Austria.  Very different from ones made in the U.S. Wouldn't it be cheaper to buy one over here than to have it shipped over?  Denny saw a man coming back from the pool in a very skimpy speedo bathing suit.  In Europe, men still wear them. Glad they don't in America. Was not a pretty sight!!

Cute little road runner that came right up to us while we were sitting outside

The large palm tree in the center is called a Washingtonian Palm Tree.  It is the only one naive to the West Coast. There are 200 varieties and they are all imported from other countries. I thought the Washingtonian was a strange name for a palm tree. thought it would be named after another area of warm weather, not Washington. Saw this on our tour of the old homes of Palm Springs

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