Sunday, April 2, 2017


March 29, 2017

In my last post, I mentioned that I would probably never do the Hike to The Flag again. Well, never say never!  Since I first did it,  I have gone up 2 more times.  Last Wed, I did it again, not sure why, just because  I could, I guess.  It was hot and we had to leave 2.5 hrs later than we did the week before.  I stopped a lot more because of the heat, but I kept up. Yahooooo!!!

What made it so much harder this time, is that I had gone up just 2 days earlier by myself.  There were 5 caches in the area that I had wanted to do for several years. I started with the closest and just kept going up. When I say up, I mean STRAIGHT UP  the mountain, no trails.  I should have done them in a different order, but, by the time I realized that, it was too late. I was committed.  Instead of the trail, I hiked up and over a small mountain, hiked into the valley, then straight up the side of a tall mountain.  The terrain I was on made the Hike to the Flag,  child's play.  Several times I stopped and told myself this was a stupid thing to do all by myself.   After I got to the top,  I started down and about  15 feet from the top,  hiked horizontally to the next mountain.  It was pretty steep. 
This is the last time I do it, been there, done that 3 times. Enough for me!!! The things I do for geocaching!!

Not sure these pictures will show how steep it was but I did take a few. At least you can see the terrain

Saw this little guy

 This is actually part of the Hike to the Flag, notice the trail.

After I climbed up and over a mountain, I walked across this valley, then straight up this one. After finding the cache, I dropped down about 15 ft and hiked horizontally across the mountain to the next one.

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