Saturday, March 25, 2017


March 19, 2017

There are a lot of hikes in the desert. One I had heard about for years, but never been on.  It is directly across from our campground.  It is 2.5 miles one way, but very steep.  Decided to go with  Cindy, the activities director at the park. She has done it many times.  The other man with us was  from British Columbia, Canada.  Even tho  I was the oldest of the group, I was able to keep up.  I had to stop a few times when it got really steep, thank heavens for my walking stick.   I had taken lots of  water.  Took us 1.5 hours to get up, 1 hour to come down.  Our guide, Cindi has done it in 1.5 hrs round trip, but she is a lot younger. Still, that is pretty fast.  Felt pretty good about it because a lot of people take 2 hours each way. At the top of the mountain are 2 flags, one U.S., one Canadian.  Glad I did it, but, not sure I would do it again. 

 Taken just before we started the steep part

You can barely see the flag at the top. We were fairly close when I took this

Taken from the bottom, across from our park. The flag is on the peak to the right of the tallest one. 

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