Wednesday, January 31, 2018


JAN 31, 2018

We are finally getting some warm weather. The average temperature in Phoenix right now should be 69 degrees. For the past few days, we have had it in the low to mid 80's.  That's almost 20 degrees warmer. It will continue on for several days.  We leave for Parker, AZ this Saturday, where it will also be in the mid 80's. I can finally pack away my sweatshirts.  YAHOO! Since we left, we have had temperatures from 22 to 83 degrees.That is quite a span. 

In a Motorhome 2 sites down, we saw something we have never seen before. A picture of a  man in the window of the door going into the RV. Why would you want a picture in the door? To each their own, I guess.  Even if it was to honor someone that had passed away, it just seems weird to us

When we first started traveling, everytime I saw a beautiful sunrise or sunset, I would run out and take a picture. I have so many of those pictures, I could fill  many albums. Rarely do I do it now, but a couple days ago, I took some. The first is the sunrise, 2nd is the sunset.

RV parks have some strange speed limits. They always have a half speed. This park is 14 1/2 MPH. Another is 9 1/2 MPH. I understand they want you to go slow, but what's with the half MPH. Who can do that? You can go 14 or 15, but not 14.5 or 15.5. Another thing that just seems weird to us.

Sunday, January 21, 2018


JAN 20, 2018

As of yesterday, Jan. 20th, we have been gone 2 months. We left Nov 20th.  Doesn't seem like that long, 3.5 months to go. We are at Sunflower RV Resort, our 4th park, in Surprise, AZ.  It is a suburb just NW of Phoenix. 

 We have many family and friends to visit here.  The main thing I have been doing  is geocaching with my friend, Bernie.  He is from Oregon. We first met him in Casa Grande, AZ, then Palm Springs. A few years ago, he started staying here for the winter. He also loves geocaching, he has over 9500.  Denny loves it when I can go with somebody else.  Denny  is not into as much as I am, but, he is very good at finding them.  We also have family on both sides to catch up with. Plus friends that moved from Kirkland to Scottsdale a few months ago.

We came here from Cottonwood. Our site up there was sloped quite a bit. We had to have our back tires off the ground to get the RV level. We have never had the wheels so off the ground. Always seems strange to only see 3 sets of tires on the ground. At times, we have seen 3 out of 4 tires off the ground to get it level. 

Our Internet  is terrible. We bring our own, so we usually have good reception. It was bad in Cottonwood, but, I thought it was because we were up in the mountains. I thought it would be excellent here since we are right next to Phoenix. BUT NO!!  I had planned on doing this blog yesterday at our 2 month point, but couldn't even get on. It has been very sporadic ever since we got here.  So frustrating, when you re paying good money to get it.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Jan 17, 2018

At home, I went to BattleRope Bootcamp (alot like Crossfit) 3 days a week for 6 months.  I asked the instructor to show me some exercises to do on the road.  I thought he would send me a few, but, oh no. He sent a full 6 week program, everyday being different. Seeing them written down, I can't believe I have dome them all. I brought 10 # dumbbells and 15 and 25# kettlebells.  I started the exercises a few  days ago. For some odd reason, the dumbbells and kettlebells got heavier sitting in my closet. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN!!!

My clothes also got smaller in the same place. What is going on in that closet?  Surely it can't be that I haven't done any excise since on the road.  I have been eating more, drinking more and doing no exercise, but there has to be another reason. I have lots of willpower at home, but on the road, it disappears. 

WHAT IS GOING ON IN THAT CLOSET!  Seems spooky to me!

Thursday, January 4, 2018


Jan 3, 2018

We drove up to Cottonwood, AZ on Dec 30th.  It is in the mountains,  about 100 miles north of Phoenix. The elevation is 4000'. A few days ago we woke up to 22 degrees. Yikes, a tad cold. Thankfully the daytime temps were in the low 60's. The next few days, we had a heat wave of 28 and 29 degrees in the morning. Today, 40.   We have been coming here for several years and  have always been told to let our water drip at night so the pipes don't freeze.  On Dec 31, 2014, we woke up and it was snowing. Snowed all day to a total of 4-5".  Much sooner than in Washington, but not this year. Our house  in Washington got 6" of snow the day before Christmas. We would rather have cold than snow. Of course, this is wonderful weather compared to everywhere else in the States. Glad we are here. 

Dec 31, 2014

On our way here, we saw something that we had never seen before. At rest stops, there are separate areas for trucks/RVs and for cars. For the first time, we saw a disabled parking spot for truckers.  Our truck and RV are to the left. Seems like we are always seeing new things that we had never heard of.

When we are in this park, I feel very close to my parents. They traveled in an RV for 20 years. This is one of the parks they spent alot for time at. Over the years, we have been in alot of the same parks, but this was one of their favorites. The other one  they spent alot of time in is in Palm Springs, also one of our favorite parks.

In a previous post, I talked about recycling in parks. Some do it alot, others not at all. This park recycles everything, but does something I have never heard of. You bag it separately, but put it in the garbage. The recyclers separate it. Usually you put everything in a separate recycling bin. Seems like alot more work for the recyclers.