Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Jan 17, 2018

At home, I went to BattleRope Bootcamp (alot like Crossfit) 3 days a week for 6 months.  I asked the instructor to show me some exercises to do on the road.  I thought he would send me a few, but, oh no. He sent a full 6 week program, everyday being different. Seeing them written down, I can't believe I have dome them all. I brought 10 # dumbbells and 15 and 25# kettlebells.  I started the exercises a few  days ago. For some odd reason, the dumbbells and kettlebells got heavier sitting in my closet. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN!!!

My clothes also got smaller in the same place. What is going on in that closet?  Surely it can't be that I haven't done any excise since on the road.  I have been eating more, drinking more and doing no exercise, but there has to be another reason. I have lots of willpower at home, but on the road, it disappears. 

WHAT IS GOING ON IN THAT CLOSET!  Seems spooky to me!

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